HBOT for Chiropractors

Join Efficient Chiropractors

Mild Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy in a Chiropractic Clinic


Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is predominantly cash pay, eliminating objections about insurance right away

Due to the ease of operation, one of your staff may run the unit without you ever having to leave the adjusting floor

This new service will open up an avenue of niche marketing that will convert to more chiropractic patients

Through our financing options, you can write off your entire hyperbaric chamber in the year you buy, even if it isn’t fully paid off.

HBOT allows you to increase your revenue with an innovative device that does not require your presence during the procedure

Modern Chiropractic Clinics Profit With A Range Of Cash Pay Services

Our selection of HBOT chambers allows you to reach new target groups and supports the work done by all techniques within chiropractic

The sessions are autonomous and do not require your presence, allowing you to scale and serve more clients while earning more income.

Our Financing options provide an opportunity to pay as you profit.

HBOT Helps You Meet The Needs Of Every Client

A mild hyperbaric session (mHBOT) is a procedure in which individuals are exposed to an environment of increased pressure and breather in an increased amount of oxygen. These unique conditions enhance the biological regeneration capabilities of the entire body.

By regulating the biochemistry of all body systems, the body achieves healthy harmony and immunological defense, leading to faster regeneration and improved well-being.

Oxyrevo Quest36 2.0 ATA Hard Hyperbaric Chamber
Sale Price: $29,995.00 Original Price: $34,995.00

The hyperbaric chamber is for your practice if you:

  • Want to serve twice as many patients without significant additional effort

  • Are seeking a device that meets the needs of different clients

  • Value distinguishing your offerings and reaching new audiences

  • Want to earn more in the same amount of time

What do you gain from partnering with Clarity Hyperbarics

  • Assistance in obtaining financing.

  • Collaboration with the #1 retailer of hyperbaric chambers in the US

  • A walk through on how to market HBOT and see a return

  • High-quality, safe, and user friendly devices available immediately

  • Full 2 year complete warranty and prompt customer service on all models

  • Operational training for the entire team

The best part; All of these are included complimentary with your purchase.

Discover Our Offer

Currently we selectively partner with the top 3 production facilities to provide you with diverse, yet reliable, hyperbaric oxygen therapy chambers available in 10 days or less. Check out our selection and with our customer support team’s assistance, we can help determine which chamber will best fit your practice.

Contact us


+1 515-249-1906 on Whatsapp

5525 Merle Hay Road STE 165

Johnston Iowa, 50131